In stock
1 pcs.
Short description
💖 LVL 4 💖 Rapi: Red Hood 🌸 Blanc 🌸 Soda: Twinkling Bunny 🌸 Drake 🌸 Nero 🌸 Eunhwa 🌸 SSR Selector ✅
Detailed description
💖 All account rerolled by hands!
💖 No cheats, soft, macros etc!
💖 Clean Gmail account
💖 Server: Global
💖 Account level 4
💖 Story cleared until 2.2

💎💎💎 Alongside with characters this account has a 5 Star Selector! You can choose any SSR unit you want outside of Pilgrims, Collab and Limited units. Before selecting a character we recommend check the current tier list

⚠️ Please after you check everything dont forget to confirm the purchase and leave a review (we would appriciate this ❤️)

✅ If you have any questions please ask! We would always be happy to answer them!
Was 9 hours ago
No need to contact the seller,
products are issued automatically

The seller will not be able to receive the payment until you confirm that he has fulfilled his obligations.

Seller's rating
? out of 5
5 reviews in 4 years
This month
Goddess of Victory: Nikke, 3 €
Все ок, хотя были траблы с почтой, но не по вине продавца
This month
Punishing: Gray Raven, 6 €
Все супер! Спасибо большое продавцу!
Month ago
Punishing: Gray Raven, 6 €
Очень приятный и комфортный продавец. Со всем помог, ответил на все мои вопросы. Рекомендую!
Month ago
Punishing: Gray Raven, 10 €
все отлично спасибо
Month ago
Goddess of Victory: Nikke, 7 €
Всё ок