Short description
Detailed description
After payment, you will be given: a TWITCH account, after linking which you will receive ALL of the following items in the Warframe game (PC/PS/XBOX/IOS) + the simplest instructions (activation takes about a minute).
YOU CAN LINK A TWITCH ACCOUNT NO MORE THAN ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS, DO NOT BUY MORE THAN 1 ACCOUNT PER WEEK! These items can be obtained an unlimited number of times. If you have previously received these items, you will be able to receive them again together with the purchase of this product in unlimited quantities.
🛒 List of items to receive:
1. Warframes: Steenax, Gara Prime, Sevagot, Amber, Sarina Prime, Nyx + 7 slots
2. Weapons: Gotwa Prime, AX-52, Base, Cassowary + 5 slots
3. Syrinx Armor: Shoulder Pads, Breastplate, Greaves
4. x5 Archon Shard: x3 Tau, x2 Regular
5. x25 Shape
6. x3 Shape: Umber, x3 Shape: Umber(Drawing)
7. x75 Trust: Nora 7 Mix (can be sold for 375,000 credits)
8. {OTHER ITEMS} x35 Pathos Clamp, x30 Enigma Girum, Requiem IV Relic, x20 Universal Medallion, x10.000 Kuva, x2 Decoder of Closed Rift Mods, Ultimate Requiem, x4 Magnificent Fragment of Eidolon, x10 Nitain Extract, Orokin Reactor, Orokin Catalyst, x42 Relics, x15 Debt Bond, Toroid: Lazulite, Fragments of Synthetic Glass, x3 Abyss Feather: Flywheel, x40 Corrupted Holoclue, x5 Crown of Granum: Zenith, x600 Pearls of Nakak, x9 Random Resource, Random Form, Random Hoaxer, x4 Random Gift Tennobaum
9. {Mods} x4 Folio Mod, Aul Mod, Tennokai Mod, Elementalist Random Mod, Canon Random Mod
☝ Please receive items to your WARFRAME account immediately after purchase. The time of receipt may be limited.
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