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⁉️ Please check if the seller is available before purchasing!
⁉️ Check before purchasing that the price on the lot is current!
⚡ Purchase method: log in to your account with your data to purchase the game.
⚡ Regional restrictions: Purchase on an account of the region - Turkey.
⚡ The price is indicated for the region - Turkey.
⚡ Game edition: Deluxe.
⚡ Platform: Playstation.
✅ After purchase, provide your account access data [password and email].
✅ After receiving the data, I will log in and purchase the product you selected, then notify you of its readiness.
✅ On average, the order fulfillment time is from 5 to 20 minutes.
🎰 If you need another game on Xbox/PlayStation/Battle.Net/Epic Games/Steam/EA platforms, write in the chat, we will make an individual offer.
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